Should You Represent Yourself After Your Motorcycle Accident?

If you are in a motorcycle accident and you need to take legal action to receive compensation, you need an experienced attorney on your side. Some motorcyclists may be tempted to do their own legal research and represent themselves. This is not a good idea if you do not have the proper training and experience. The following reasons are why you should never represent yourself for your motorcycle accident lawsuit:

You May Not Know Enough About Evidence

Evidence is the backbone to any motorcycle accident case. There is more to evidence than photos of your damages and medical reports. While this information proves an accident occurred, it is not typically enough to prove the defendant was negligent. If you cannot prove negligence, you are likely not going to win. Your attorney knows exactly what parts of the case to investigate in order to build a strong case against the defendant. An attorney provides you with a higher chance of winning your case with a strong evidence package.

You Might Miss Important Deadlines

Personal injury claims must be filed within a specific timeframe or you will be out of luck. This deadline is crucial. If you miss it, you will not be able to file a lawsuit to receive compensation. There are additional deadlines assigned by the courts that you also have to know and abide by, or you risk your case being thrown out. Your attorney is well aware of all imposed deadlines and will ensure your claim is filed in a timely manner.

You Do Not Know the Law

Simply put, if you do not have a law degree, you are not going to know enough about the law to successfully represent yourself in a court of law and have a successful outcome. Even trained attorneys may encounter areas of the law that they do not know as much about. However, attorneys have the necessary tools at their disposal to easily research laws they do not know as much about. You will not have access to those tools for research purposes.

You May Not Get as Much in Damages

If your goal is to get a decent settlement for your motorcycle accident, you need to know what to request in damages. You may be entitled to more than just your out-of-pocket expenses. Your final damages are dependent on the circumstances of your accident. Your attorney will evaluate the facts of your case and ask for as high a settlement as you are entitled to.


If you have questions about motorcycle lawyer services, contact a company such as Iron Horse Motorcycle Lawyers.

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About Me

Improving Your Life Every Day It isn't always easy to know how to move forward after something happens like a car accident, but the right people can guide you through the process. From talking with you about how you are feeling to helping you to file the appropriate paperwork, accident and personal injury attorneys make it easy to improve your life. If you are struggling after a car incident, don't feel like you are alone. Reach out to professionals to make sense of your financial situation and your vehicle repair. By making the right changes today, you can improve your entire future for the better.



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